El grupo de Física Estadística de los Sistemas Complejos les invita al siguiente seminario online: 

Ponente: Francisco Perez-Bernal. Universidad de Huelva. 

Título: Speck of Chaos

Resumen: Local perturbations can bring an integrable quantum many-body system to the chaotic regime. This fact has been known for the XXZ model since 2004, and such results have been recently extended to two other models: the transverse-field Ising chain and the Lai-Sutherland spin 1 chain. The nature of different quantum chaos indicators, static and dynamic, will be reviewed, to discuss how a single local effect can bring three different integrable systems to the chaotic regime. Among the possible indicators, the distribution of off-diagonal matrix elements of local operators and the correlation hole will be presented with more detail.  

Fecha y hora: Viernes 26 de Marzo de 2021. 12 horas. 

Enlace: https://meet.google.com/vyq-ucva-vdj

Check our previous talks: 

Ricardo Gutierrez: Generalized optimal paths and weight distributions on networks.

Beatriz Olmos: Collective coupling of an array of atoms near a nanofiber

Daniel Maria Busiello: Non-equilibrium selection of chemical states driven by dissipation phenomena


Daniel Manzano
Electromagnetism and Condensed Matter Department
Institute “Carlos I” for Theoretical and Computational Physics
University of Granada
Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n
Granada 18071, Spain
Phone: +34 958241000  Ext: 20569