Dear group. 

In May we’ll have the visit of a Netherlandian high-school students group. They ask for small talks about active research and many other things like "Benchmarking and modelization of quantum computer, Quantum Neural Networks, Quantum heat engines and the concepts of heat and work. solid state physics and electromagnetism also”. 

After the Christmas break we will split the work and start preparing small talks that we can also use in future Science Communication events and for teaching. 


Daniel Manzano
Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Computation Group
University of Granada
Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n
Granada 18071, Spain
Phone: +34 958241000  Ext: 20569

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bálint Bosman <>
Subject: Re: Study trip Leiden 2025
Date: 19. December 2024 at 09:49:00 CET
To: Daniel Manzano <>
Cc: Bálint Bosman <>, Juani Bermejo Vega <>, mskotiniotis <>, Juani Bermejo-Vega <>

Dear Daniel,

Thanks for your reply. Good to hear that the 7th is OK for you. Our preference for topics/activities would be:

- talks about any active physics research, including a brief intro for those unfamiliar (our participants are 2nd year bachelor up to final year masters students)
   > on the QTC website I found the following to be particularly interesting: Benchmarking and modelization of quantum computer, Quantum Neural Networks, Quantum heat engines and the concepts of heat and work.
   > Juani wrote about solid state physics and electromagnetism also. It would be ideal for us if we could combine these with QTC topics so we have a varied day.
- Lab tours of physics labs (optics, acoustics, STM, spectroscopy). - HPC could be cool to briefly see but they should not be the main focus.
- Duration of ~09:30 to ~14:00

We need a concept schedule to apply for grants, so If you have some talks in mind already it would really help us out if you could send those over.

If I can clarify anything, please let me know

Kind regards,


On Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 12:50 PM Daniel Manzano <> wrote:
Dear Balint. 

We have talked and May 7th is OK. We’ll organise it in a way that Juani can deliver a talk before she has to go. We plan to give you small talks about the group’s research and a lab tour on our HPC facilities. 

If you have any preference about topics or activities just let us know. 


Daniel Manzano
Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Computation Group
University of Granada
Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n
Granada 18071, Spain
Phone: +34 958241000  Ext: 20569

On 17.12.2024, at 10:32, Bálint Bosman <> wrote:

Dear Juani,

Thank you for your very helpful response. I hope you accept my sincere apology for not responding sooner. I will try to answer your questions as best I can and I am excited about the possibility of planning a visit

> For this, we would need to know the core topics you are looking for. Any area of Physics? Any area of science? This is important to decide whether we distribute your inquiry to the entire Faculty or just the areas of Physics.
The students are 2nd year (university) bachelor up to final year Masters' students in both physics and astronomy. So the base level is 2nd year Phys/Astro and maximum level is end of masters phys/astro. Considering physics, i am especially interested in lectures about research in solid state physics and quantum computing. (research in Electromagnetism as you mentioned also sounds very interesting) As quantum computing is not taught in the bachelor but linear algebra and quantum mechanics are, it would be best to start at a low level and end as complicated (cutting edge) as you like.

Is your study program a general Physics program? In some countries, Physics & Astronomy is equivalent to our standard Physics program. If you have a specific focus on Astronomy, a great place to reach out would be the IAAA CSIC institute, which actually has a dedicated science communication section and collaborate with us. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia <>
Firstly, thanks for the suggestion. We are already planning on visiting the calar alto observatory but I will keep your suggestion in mind. To answer your question: yes, our physics program is general, only including one introductory subject on astronomy. The astronomers however do have a lot of overlap with physics, including quantum mechanics 1 & 2

> Our Department is part of a supercomputing initiative. If we organize a "lab tour", we could show the students our HPC facilities (it is just a room with a computer) and show them how our cluster works. There is also this related HPC center in our city:
Thank you for the suggestion, however I think this is more fit for my colleague who does the {Computer Science + Mathematics} program. I think she is already working on this.

> About dates, there is one problem, on the 7th of May I am cited for an administrative appointment I cannot skip at 12:30 in the morning. Is there any other possible date for you?
I have other visits booked for the other days, if it is really necessary I can try to move these. Tuesday the 6th, we are visiting ion traps as well as some astronomy workshops at UGR. The 7th is our last day in Granada and we will have a closing dinner in the evening, so I want to leave at approximately ~14:00. So the visit would be something like 9:30 - 14:00 (or whatever suits you best). Can we plan around your administrative appointment?

Thanks for the cultural suggestions.

To briefly recap, we are looking for lectures about current university research and (experimental physics) lab tours from ~09:30 - ~14:00, including a lunch break. The goal of this visit is to expand the knowledge of participating students and also introduce them to international research. (The study trip also allows students to explore BSc/MSc projects abroad. ) Your suggestions of {quantum computing, solid state physics, electromagnetism } are all a good fit for our program.

Finally one more thing. We need a concept schedule to apply for grants to finance our trip. If you have any preliminary draft (subject, speakers) you could help us out greatly

I hope I answered everything, please let me know if I can clarify anything. And sorry again for the long wait.

Kind regards,

Program physics/astronomy
De Leidsche Flesch study trip 2025

On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 4:02 PM Juani Bermejo Vega <> wrote:
Dear Balint and Heike,

I include Daniel Manzano in cc, who is also a PI in our group. We spoke and we confirm that our group can organize some activities. For instance, some lectures explaining the basis of quantum computing/info/thermo and show them the High Performance Computing facilities Proteus. 

Please let us know how many activities you would need from us. We have a big group and several of us are available on this date. We can propose several lectures if needed.


El mié, 4 dic 2024 a las 11:07, Juani Bermejo Vega (<>) escribió:
Dear Balint and Heike,

Thanks for contacting us. We should be able to organize some lectures for this kind of activity. Several of our group members are frequently involved in outreach & communication. As Michalis says, we are part of the quantum information & computation group of the Condensed Matter Department, there is no actual Physics Department in our Faculty. Our Department and other Physics Departments form part of the UGR Faculty of Sciences, which includes us but also other areas outside of Physics.

We can however distribute your call to potentially interested researchers from other Departments. For this, we would need to know the core topics you are looking for. Any area of Physics? Any area of science? This is important to decide whether we distribute your inquiry to the entire Faculty or just the areas of Physics.

Some colleagues from the Faculty participated in the organization of a science communication festival last year (Festival UGR Solidaria 2024). I am sure they would gladly participate in this or help to distribute.

Is your study program a general Physics program? In some countries, Physics & Astronomy is equivalent to our standard Physics program. If you have a specific focus on Astronomy, a great place to reach out would be the IAAA CSIC institute, which actually has a dedicated science communication section and collaborate with us. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia <>

Our Department is part of a supercomputing initiative. If we organize a "lab tour", we could show the students our HPC facilities (it is just a room with a computer) and show them how our cluster works. There is also this related HPC center in our city:

About dates, there is one problem, on the 7th of May I am cited for an administrative appointment I cannot skip at 12:30 in the morning. Is there any other possible date for you?

On the 16-17th May there is a science communication festival in the city, the Desgranando Ciencia. It is mostly in Spanish but there might be chances to organize side communication activities around that. The email of the association who organizes this is Desgranando Ciencia <>

"Can you recommend any companies in the neighbourhood that would be interesting to visit?"
Could you be more specific?

" Do you have any other recommendations both academically or culturally?"
The festival afore mentioned. The Museo de Ciencias de Granada. Perhaps this activity:

I also recommend reaching out to Desgranando, Óscar Huertas Rosales <> (coorganizer) and this associacion:

El lun, 2 dic 2024 a las 15:39, mskotiniotis (<>) escribió:
Dear Bálint.

Thank you for contacting us and we are looking forward to having you in our beautiful city of Granada.

However, in order to be able to facilitate your visit you need to be aware of a few things, chief of which is that at Uni Granada there is no such thing as a physics department.  Physics groups (as well as chemistry and biology groups) are separate entities all of which belong to the faculty of science.  As such Dr. Juani Bermejo Vega and myself can only be of assistance to you with regards to what pertains our department (Electromagnetism and Material Physics).  For the rest of the physics departments you will have to contact the relevant people.  Below is a list of all departments at the Faculty of Science of UGR. 

Our suggestion would be to have a faculty member write to those departments that you are interested in (preferentially the secretary or the head of the department) so as to have a higher chance of receiving a response.  

You should also be aware that Astrophysics is not physically at the faculty of Science but in another location in the city.  

From our side, we would be happy to host you if you so decide to visit our department and we can talk to the various research grooups within our department in order to better organise your visit.

I hope this helps you with your planning


Michalis Skotiniotis

On 2 Dec 2024, at 10:11, Bálint Bosman <> wrote:

Dear Dr. Michalis Skotiniotis,
Dear Dr. Juani Bermejo-Vega,

We are organising a university study trip (1, more below) to Granada and we are wondering if you could help us in organising interesting educational activities such as lectures, lab tours or workshops.  

Dr. Jordi Tura gave us your contact information, because he thought that you might be able to help us out. We are writing on behalf of De Leidsche Flesch, which is a study association run by students at Leiden University in The Netherlands.

The students attending will be Astronomy & Physics students between 2nd year bachelor and final year of masters. Additionally, a university teacher will also join. Ideally, lectures start with a brief crash course, after which we are very interested to learn about the interesting research in your group(s)!

We are looking for educational programme on the 7th of May 2025, specifically in the morning
  •  Would you be able to give us a lecture or a tour, etc. of the university for approx. 25 students?
  •  Do you know of any colleagues who might be able to give us a lecture or a tour?
  •  Can you recommend any companies in the neighbourhood that would be interesting to visit?
  •  Do you have any other recommendations both academically or culturally?

Thanks in advance for your time, 
we hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,
Bálint Bosman (Programme coordinator Physics & Astronomy)
Haike van Thiel (Programme coordinator Mathematics & Computer Science)

1  In this two week study trip, students from Leiden partake in guest lectures, visit academic institutes, companies and cultural activities to enrich their academic and cultural knowledge. Through these visits, students can explore opportunities to do their Minor/Masters/PhD abroad