Fwd: [Starting Thursday] Course on quantum computing and classical simulation, University of Granada

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Manzano Electromagnetism and Condensed Matter Department Institute “Carlos I” for Theoretical and Computational Physics University of Granada Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n Granada 18071, Spain Phone: +34 958241000 Ext: 20569 http://ic1.ugr.es/manzano/ http://ic1.ugr.es/manzano/
Begin forwarded message:
From: Juani Bermejo Vega
Subject: [Starting Thursday] Course on quantum computing and classical simulation, University of Granada Date: 20. October 2020 at 15:10:42 CEST To: materia@onsager.ugr.es Course on quantum computing and classical simulation, University of Granada
Dear all,
This week and next week I will give a mini-course with 2 tutorials on classical simulation and quantum computing. We will start with 2 tutorials (Oct 22, Oct 30). The intended audience are undergraduate students interested in quantum information, master students and PhD researchers. Anyone who wants to learn more about these subjects is welcome to join.
Because this is the first time we organize an online seminar, we ask interested participants to send us an email to jbermejovega@go.ugr.es mailto:jbermejovega@go.ugr.es to estimate how many connections we will be streaming to.
Course details: - To join use the link https://laplace.ugr.es/b/cursos-avanzados https://laplace.ugr.es/b/cursos-avanzados - Date 1st seminar: Thursday 22 October, 16:00-18:00 - Date 2nd seminar: Friday 30 October, 17:00-19:00 - Language: English or Spanish (depending on attendees, all lecture materials will be in English) - Bibliography: --- A significant portion of the course is covered in Nielsen & Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. --- We will suggest a few more advanced readings in the course
Course content: - Quantum computing basics, qubits, quantum circuits, density matrices - Complexity theory basics: P vs BQP - Universal models of quantum computing: the circuit model, quantum computing with magic states - Classical simulation techniques for quantum circuits (the stabilizer formalism, Clifford circuits, Wigner functions)
Online whiteboard: We will have a remote whiteboard for the meeting. To use the whiteboard, you will need to download Drawpile: https://flathub.org/apps/details/net.drawpile.drawpile https://flathub.org/apps/details/net.drawpile.drawpile and log-in at https://pub.drawpile.net/ https://pub.drawpile.net/ choosing the session Title: QuantumComputingWorkshop Password: QCWJBV2020 Sincerely, Juani Bermejo-Vega
participants (1)
Daniel Manzano