Fwd: [qipc.spain] Postdoc positions in Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics at the University of Vienna

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Manzano Electromagnetism and Condensed Matter Department Institute “Carlos I” for Theoretical and Computational Physics University of Granada Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n Granada 18071, Spain Phone: +34 958241000 Ext: 20569 http://ic1.ugr.es/manzano/ http://ic1.ugr.es/manzano/
Begin forwarded message:
From: Carlos Fernández González
Subject: [qipc.spain] Fwd: Postdoc positions in Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics at the University of Vienna Date: 27. July 2020 at 12:40:31 CEST To: qipc.spain@listas.csic.es Reply-To: Carlos Fernández González Estimados compañeros:
Os envío esta información sobre contratos post doctorales.
Un saludo, Carlos Fernández.
---------- Forwarded message --------- De: Norbert Schuch
mailto:norbert.schuch@mpq.mpg.de> Date: dom., 26 jul. 2020 17:21 Subject: Postdoc positions in Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics at the University of Vienna To: Norbert Schuch mailto:norbert.schuch@gmail.com> Dear colleague,
I would be grateful if you could bring the attached advertisement for postdoc positions in Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics at the University of Vienna to the attention of suitable candidates.
Best wishes, Norbert Schuch
Postdoc positions are available in the newly established group on Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics, led by Norbert Schuch, at the University of Vienna.
Topics of interest cover the whole range from quantum information and computation to quantum many-body physics, with a focus on tensor networks and related methods.
Possible topics include:
* Theory of Tensor Networks, classification of phases * Simulation methods for quantum many-body systems, Tensor Network algorithms * Topological order, spin liquids * Quantum Algorithms (in particular for NISQ devices and for the simulation of many-body problems) * Entanglement Theory * Mathematical structure of quantum many-body systems * Quantum Complexity Theory
but outstanding candidates with other interests will be considered as well.
Successful candidates will be associated either with the Department of Physics or the Department of Mathematics. Appointments will be for an initial period of 2 years, with the possibility of extension. Starting dates are flexible. Salaries are about 54500 EUR per year before taxes (35500 EUR after taxes).
Applications should be emailed to norbert.schuch@gmail.com mailto:norbert.schuch@gmail.com, Subject: "Postdoc Application", and contain a full academic CV, a brief summary of research interests, and the contact data of two referees. Applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
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participants (1)
Daniel Manzano