Fwd: [qipc.spain] [QSS] Tomorrow: QSS#20 - Quantum Simulators - Peter Zoller

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Manzano Electromagnetism and Condensed Matter Department Institute “Carlos I” for Theoretical and Computational Physics University of Granada Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n Granada 18071, Spain Phone: +34 958241000 Ext: 20569 http://ic1.ugr.es/manzano/ http://ic1.ugr.es/manzano/
Begin forwarded message:
From: Leticia Tarruell
Subject: [qipc.spain] [QSS] Tomorrow: QSS#20 - Quantum Simulators - Peter Zoller Date: 8. October 2020 at 00:26:33 CEST To: qipc.spain@listas.csic.es Reply-To: Leticia Tarruell Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are excited to announce tomorrow's Quantum Science Seminar:
Quantum Science Seminar #20 - Peter Zoller October 8, 17:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Programmable Quantum Simulators with Atoms and Ions
Abstract: Quantum optical systems with cold atoms and ions provides one of the best ways to build controllable quantum many-body systems as quantum computers and quantum simulators. Here we report on recent developments in building, and in particular programming quantum simulators based on trapped ions as intermediate scale quantum devices. Our discussion will focus on hybrid classical-quantum scenarios: here the quantum part is the generation of highly entangled states on the quantum device in quench dynamics, which is combined with a classical post processing of measurement data, possibly run in a feedback loop with the quantum device. Examples highlighting these developments include the implementation of self-verifying variational quantum simulations, illustrated here by computing the ground state and quantum phase transition of a Schwinger Model as 1D QED. In addition, we develop and demonstrate a ‘randomized measurement toolbox’, allowing to access in experiments quantities like Renyi entanglement entropies and — as ongoing research — measure the entanglement spectrum, i.e. ‘seeing the Schmidt decomposition live’ in quench dynamics from an initial product state towards thermodynamic equilibrium.
The seminar will be streamed live on our youtube channel at
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYfq48NHj6zbudywnLW3aYw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYfq48NHj6zbudywnLW3aYw
Also stay tuned for next week, October 5, to hear Tilman Pfau discusses dipolar quantum gases.
In case you missed the last talks this season, check them out here:
- Misha Lukin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMGT4ndCIDo on Programmable quantum systems based on Rydberg atom arrays - Piet Schmidt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnolkz5giNw on Quantum Logic Spectroscopy of Trapped Ions - Nir Davidson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0lLZ42Q5Vc on Solving computational problems with coupled lasers
For more information on upcoming talks, please visit
https://quantumscienceseminar.com https://quantumscienceseminar.com/
and subscribe to our google calendar
https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/quantumscienceseminar%40gmail.com/... https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/quantumscienceseminar%40gmail.com/...
Best wishes,
The QSS Team
participants (1)
Daniel Manzano