Let’s switch the group meeting to 10:30 at Mondays. 


Daniel Manzano
Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Computation Group
University of Granada
Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n
Granada 18071, Spain
Phone: +34 958241000  Ext: 20569

On 24.09.2024, at 18:45, Daniel Manzano <manzano@onsager.ugr.es> wrote:

Dear all. 

This semester the week meetings will be on Monday 10am. As the group has growth we’ll do it at the seminar room. 

We have decided that every week at least one postdoc/PhD/visitor/master-student should make a very brief presentation about how their work is going. This is a nice way to be caught up about how you’re doing. 

Remember that tomorrow we have a talk at 12 by Hugo Touchette. 



Daniel Manzano
Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Computation Group
University of Granada
Facultad de Ciencias, Av. Fuentenueva s/n
Granada 18071, Spain
Phone: +34 958241000  Ext: 20569